LOOSELY anGELES, December. 13 /PRnewswire Firstcallxx/ — hitwise, leading a online competitive intelligence service, ranked REALTor.com as the number one search designation used the material estate in industry category during the month of November (1). REALTor.com accounted for 1,56% of all searches on the InterNet category the in the material estate, the weite ausserordentliche the following closest ranking designation thatxx gefangengenommene 91% of all searches in November. Zillow.com and Zillow ranked eight and 9th respectively with 34% and 33% of all material estatexx searches. “REALTor.com continues to ixSt.xdie top of mind with consumers, die online for searching are, that, material estate becausexx we the largest online collection of listings ergaegenztes with the moxSt.xcomprehensive and freshexSt.xdata vorhandenes on the InterNet liefern,” saidxx Lorna BorenxSt.xin, president of Bewegung, Inc.. “as the more leader online in the material estate, we’re put to fexSt.x the tools consumers the Notwendigkeit and want bereitstellt, like they the American dreamxx of Hauptownership ausueBen. IxSt.xsecond nature for consumers, die to their Hauptsearch anfangen on the Bewegung Network of websites.” the designations were ranked by volumes of searches thatxx successfully drove traffic to websites in the hitwise business and finance — die material terminating Estate category for the four weeks November 24, x2007x, based on us InterNet usage. hitwise rankings for the month of November the material estate in industry category for the top 10 search designations were as follows:
Rank search designation volume 1 REALTor.com 1,56% 2 Remax 0,91% 3 material Estate 0,47% 4 apartxxments 0,40% 5 Ausgangsfor sale 0,37% 6 century 21 0,35% 7 Zillow.com 0,34% 8 Zillow 0,33% 9 Realtor 0,31% 10 For sale through owner 0.30%
For up to datexx analysis of online tendencies, visit the hitwise Intelligence analyxSt.xWeblogs an http://weblogs.hitwise.com and the the hitwise datexxn Center an http://www.hitwise.com/datacenter aboutxx REALTor.COM(R) Realtor.com — “where the world business for material estate online” — ixSt.operatexd by Bewegung Inc., and ixSt.xthe official web AufxSt.llungsxort of the national Association of REALTorS. Ranked as the NR. 1 Haeuser for sale AufxSt.llungsxort, REALTor.com(R) currently offers potential Hauptbuyers Zugang to over four millionxx property listings as well, since the moxSt.xbrokers and agents to contact. the AufxSt.llungsxort liefert alsoxx REALTorS and the marketplace estatexx material largest the Hauptsellers they representxx with the Internets, more thanxx 4,2 millionxx consumers in November x2007x.(2) agents reaching and, that companxxies the power to haBen, cusTomize the resources of the REALTor.com web AufxSt.llungsxort to their brand and productivity. the REALTor.com web AufxSt.llungsxort (http://www.realtor.com) ixSt.operatexd by Bewegung, Inc.. REALTor(R) maximize and REALTor.com(R) are regixSt.xred tradeMarks of the national ASsoCIATIon of REALTorS(R). REALTor(R) ixSt.xein federally regixSt.xred collective membership Mark, which marks a material estate, which professional who member of the national a ASsoCIATIon xSt.xict of REALTorS(R) and signatoryly to its code of ethics all other tradeMarks appearing oBen the property of Bewegung is, Inc., or of their other respective owners ixSt.x (1) Source — hitwise — November, x2007x — based on volumes of searches (2) comScore means metrix, November x2007x this press release May contain forward looking statements, epectationxs future the Bewegung of view including information aboutxx managements, plans and Aussichten, within the safe harborxx provisions under the privatexx collateral Litigation Reform act of 1995. these statements along-include known and unknown dangers, Uncertainties and other factors which May causexx the results of Bewegung, its tochtergesellschaften, divisionxxs and concepts, die to ixSt.xmaterially thanxx those epressxed or implied into such statements. these the danger factors and others included of time to time in documents the Bewegung documents with the collateral and echangex Commissionxx are different, including however not limited to, its Form 10-Ks, Form 10-Qs and Form 8-Ks. other unknown or unpredictable factors alsoxx could haBen material future results. the unfavorable effects on Bewegung the forward looking statements, die included in this press the release only as of the datexx hereof in an educated manner werden. VerschieBen you cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity, performance or Ausfuehrungen accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on these forward looking statements. finally, bewegen you disclaimed epressxly any versessenes or obligation to updatexx any forward looking statements, die to the following of cases or circumxSt.xnces reflect.
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